The Jacobson Flare was to be standardised at Soar Aviation, but …

The Jacobson Flare was to be standardised at Soar Aviation, but …

The Jacobson Flare was to be standardised at Soar Aviation, but …

Following on from our last post, Generation Next, which highlighted a group of young aviators, comes another exciting story with amazing potential for Australian Aviation. This one focuses on a special group of dedicated flight instructors, open-minded, honest and totally professional who are already improving the shape of future aviation training.

On 15-16 December 2020, a total of 7 additional (9 in all) senior Flight Instructor/managers, at Soar Aviation’s YMMB (Moorabbin, Melbourne VIC) campus, demonstrated and subsequently were certified as proficient at applying and instructing the Jacobson Flare.

This completed another key phase in the implementation of the Jacobson Flare as the standard approach and landing training technique, at Soar. It follows initial mass briefings at Moorabbin, detailed Zoom briefings to both the Melbourne- and Sydney-based flight instructing staff, a comprehensive ‘App-open’ theory assessment of knowledge and thorough development of pre-flight briefing material, to be shared with Box Hill Institute in their joint collaboration. One pilot was honest enough to explain that, initially, he was a sceptic of the Jacobson Flare (as was I, when I first thought of it!); but now, he is a convert.

However, an additional, unplanned and unexpected aspect of the assessment occurred:

I was simply blown away by the highest levels of professionalism, conscientiousness, enthusiasm, competence, confidence and mature temperament, demonstrated by every single pilot with whom I had the privilege to fly. From weight and balance computations, walkaround inspections, fuel management, use of checklists and standard operating procedures (SOPs), passenger and take-off briefings, right through EVERY aspect of the conduct of each and every flight, these young, yet experienced pilots demonstrated the highest levels of that intangible quality, Airmanship. Nothing whatsoever was overlooked, ignored or neglected. They are a credit to themselves and their organisation.

It was really gratifying to be able to take a glimpse into the future of Soar Aviation … and it was looking good.

* BUT … a further, unexpected aspect then occurred:

Regrettably, Soar Aviation was put into administration on 29 December 2020, according to notices published by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC).

The Jacobson Flare Pty Ltd expresses its sadness in learning of these unfortunate developments. No-one wants to hear of aviation companies failing, at any time, but this has happened at a time when Australia was coming out the Covid lockdowns, that were endured during 2020.

The Jacobson Flare Pty Ltd never received payment from the Management of Soar Aviation for the training provided – no doubt, just one of a long line of creditors.

However, the positive to come out of this is that this group of professional instructors is qualified to take the Jacobson Flare with them, into their future endeavours, their every next airplane and for the benefit of their future  students. We wish them every success, in the future.

In addition, an old friend, China Southern WA Flying College, entered liquidation on 21 December 2020. Back in 1999, this college HALVED its courses’ average flying times to first solo, following their introduction of the Jacobson Flare, as their standard approach and landing training technique.

The official, original statistics from that time are available, on request, to


Wishing you many safe landings


Captain David M Jacobson FRAeS MAP


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David Jacobson