First JF Presentation to Melbourne Flight Training, Moorabbin Airport YMMB – 20 November 2014

First JF Presentation to Melbourne Flight Training, Moorabbin Airport YMMB – 20 November 2014

Thanks to Glen Buckley and the team at Melbourne Flight Training, at YMMB Moorabbin Airport, VIC, Australia, for the opportunity to present the Jacobson Flare to more than thirty staff and student pilots, last Thursday 20 November 2014.

There was keen interest shown, especially by a very enthusiastic group of young instructors, already actively seeking a more fact-based landing training technique to raise competency levels: their own, as dedicated instructors and their students’, to give them increased skill and confidence in their own abilities.

Nothing increases confidence in performing a task, like increased confidence in one’s own knowledge base.

There has been an immediate result – one student, a refugee from two previous flight training organisations and still having landing issues, was introduced to the Jacobson Flare by her instructor and applied it, successfully and consistently, at YMEN Essendon (with its height illusion-inducing 45m wide runways), YOLA Colac and back at YMMB Moorabbin.

This revelation has been noted many times before – the improvement is immediate, because the student now has a visible instructive model, not a loose, non-descript set of personal opinions, recycled for 100 years.

We look forward to developing the relationship with Melbourne Flight Training.


Wishing you many safe landings


Captain David M Jacobson FRAeS MAP


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David Jacobson