
Chapter 1. Conventional Practice: Conventional Flare Practice Examined

Our detailed analysis of the conventional flare now clearly reveals the critical deficiencies.

There hasn’t been much doubt in the minds of pilots about ‘what’ to do when flaring; however, the ‘where to aim’, ‘how to aim’ and ‘when’, ‘how much’ and ‘how fast’ to flare have never been adequately explained or universally defined.

Taking the guesswork out of the equation delivers impressively consistent touch-down point accuracy and quality. The Jacobson Flare is easily applied to successive airplane conversions, without the need to wait for the necessary judgment, previously required, to materialise at some indeterminate time.

Now ALL pilots can do much better than relying on guesswork and repetition – the landing flare assumes a new form as a skill rather than an ‘art’, combining mathematical ‘reason’ to finally perfect the classic manoeuvre traditionally honed by practice and experience by generations of dedicated pilots. The difference is that there is now a sensible and quantifiable explanation which is predictable and repeatable, in any airplane, on any airfield.

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Chapter 1. Conventional Practice: The Actual Flight Path Angle

We compare the the actual flight path angle with the usual depiction and explain why the concept of using height as a judgement for commencing a flare is flawed, mathematically.

Discover how to improve your touch-down point accuracy; and why even the slightest misjudgments of flare commencement height compound into twenty-times larger longitudinal errors along the runway. Compare this with the concept of using a longitudinal flare cue, where any error is diminished twenty times, in terms of vertical height.

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Chapter 2. Introducing The Jacobson Flare: Outlining the Main Features

The Jacobson Flare applies familiar triangulation principles, commonly used in navigation, to determine a consistent landing flare point from a visual fix, for commencement of the flare.

Using a refined and proven technique that does not rely on the on the pilot’s peripheral perception of vertical height, knowing when to flare is now completely quantifiable and visible to the pilot on approach, by simple observation.

The principles and application of the ‘flare cut-off point’ – a supplementary, pre-calculated longitudinal point on the runway centreline designed to define the flare fix – are fully explained in great detail.

Commencing the flare is now executed with mathematical precision – even on unmarked grass and gravel airstrips.  The flare point is no longer based solely on an inconsistent guess of vertical height.

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Chapter 3. How To Aim: Flying a Constant Angle Path

Learn how to select and hold an aim point – aiming the airplane just like a rifle.

Explained: How a vital set of datum points combine to build a constant relationship between the airplane and your selected or nominated visual aim point.

Position yourself at the ‘design eye point’ (correct cockpit eye reference seating position) and re-discover the importance of ‘setting up’ your airplane for the perfect approach, flare and touchdown. A good landing rarely follows a bad approach.

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A Stable Approach Is Paramount: Good Landings Rarely Follow Bad Approaches

A stable approach is paramount – for safety, aim point stability and passenger comfort. A good landing rarely follows a poor approach. There are many examples of the reluctance of pilots to reject an approach and the results have often been catastrophic.

Putting safety first and personal pride second, The Jacobson Flare app for iPad reminds pilots to validate each landing approach against Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and know precisely when it’s imperative to ‘GO AROUND’.

Pilots should never be too embarrassed to admit that they’ve ‘stuffed things up’ – we are all human! Simply ‘Go Around’ and make another approach. It’s much less expensive than the alternative.

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