Hello from David

Hello from David

On 20 May 2012, over a long lunch at Boynton’s Winery at Porepunkah, I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Jamie Durrant, Managing Editor of Essentials Magazine. Jamie and I have embarked together on an exciting collaboration to re-style the entire presentation of The Jacobson Flare, and an App for iPad is being developed, right now.

The opportunity to work to create a fully professional presentation has been in my sights for many years, but the app for iPad represents the pinnacle, for me. It is incomparable. For 25 years, I have been slightly constrained by regulators, patronisers and procrastinators, but the advent of the app offers a truly new dimension in bypassing so many obstacles to getting my message out there, for the world to consider.

My Flare and I are beginning to feel increasingly less constrained, and almost liberated!
The app will be fully interactive, with new HD video components and on-board calculators. It will be powered by the same Oomph software platform that powers Jamie’s own Essentials Magazine app and, indeed, the QANTAS Australian Way Magazine app. You may be interested to interrogate both Magazine apps; they are both very impressive.

New branding for The Jacobson Flare has been developed (see the new Logo, attached below), and the old webpage www.jacobsonflare.com has been updated with a new fully upgraded version. The Jacobson Flare Pty Ltd has also been established.
In support of the forth-coming app, I have established a new Facebook Page, dedicated to The Jacobson Flare and I would like to invite you to view it, and comment if you wish. Please click on the Facebook ‘F’ icon, top right, to visit this page, and click ‘like’.

In the meantime, may I thank you sincerely for your long-standing support for The Jacobson Flare.

Kind regards,

David Jacobson

Wishing you many safe landings


Captain David M Jacobson FRAeS MAP


Would you care to experience that unsurpassed sense of accomplishment, derived from executing consistently beautiful landings, more often?

For starters, Download the FREE Jacobson Flare LITE, our no fuss/no frills introduction. Here we demonstrate, step by step, the application of the Jacobson Flare on a typical grass airstrip at Porepunkah, YPOK.


We invite you to browse the consistently positive comments on our Testimonials page. Many pilots, of all levels of experience, have downloaded our Apps. Read about their own experiences with the Jacobson Flare technique and the App.

Then download the COMPLETE Jacobson Flare app – for iOS. You’re already possibly paying $300+/hour to hire an aeroplane: You’ll recover the cost of the app, in just ONE LESS-NEEDED CIRCUIT. Moreover, you’ll have an invaluable reference tool, throughout your entire life in aviation.

Download the COMPLETE Jacobson Flare App for iOS devices now.


We invite you, also, to review our new, FREE companion app,

offering a convenient way of staying abreast of our latest blogs.


Download the Jacobson Flare NEWS App for iOS devices now.

David Jacobson